Overwatch Mei Skins for FREE

Here you can get free Overwatch Mei skins.
I’m going to assume you’re here to get a Blizzard Battle.net gift card for either yourself or for a friend. The benefits of the game card is you will be able to use this as a prepaid game code on PlayOverwatch.com.
Overwatch™ is a multiplayer first-person shooter, the game emphasizes cooperative gameplay using a cast of various “heroes”, each with their own abilities and roles within a team. The game is to be released on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
Mei is a scientist who has taken the fight to preserve the environment into her own hands.
- Mei-Ling Zhou, Age: 31
- Occupation: Climatologist, Adventurer
- Base of Operations: Xi’an, China (formerly)
- Affiliation: Overwatch (formerly)
This is not a Overwatch generator with no survey. You actually sign-up for an account.
Gift cards are bought from official retailer, meaning that the game developers always get their money.
To get a Overwatch code you need to successfully complete a few simple steps:
- Share this page on Twitter: Click here
- Complete surveys and redeem your Overwatch Mei skins: Click Here